Why is Queensland perfectly positioned to be a leader in clean industries? 

Queensland has everything it needs to become a clean industry superpower. The Sunshine State has the natural resources to become a world leader in renewable energy, as well as in industries such as clean manufacturing, minerals processing and renewable hydrogen. This will bring with it tens of thousands of jobs for generations of Queenslanders.

Governments have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to invest in new initiatives that will supercharge the Queensland economy, while also tackling climate change and protecting the people and places we love.

Why is climate action so important for Queensland?

Climate action is an economic necessity for Queensland. More than 80% of Australia’s trading partners are committed to reaching net zero, which means customers for our fossil fuel exports are drying up. As a state with a large export economy, Queensland must be wary of investing in products to sell that the world no longer wants. 

But the opportunities of a clean economy are huge for Queensland – from green hydrogen to renewable energy generation to critical minerals mining – economic growth and new jobs are available if we get the pace and scale of transition to net zero right. 

Learn more in the Climate Council’s Queensland-focused reports:

What’s next for Queensland?

Queensland currently has more than 5,000 jobs in the renewables sector, more than any other state or territory. Projects under construction or about to begin will create another 4,500 jobs in the state and deliver almost $10 billion in investment. 

But the opportunities aren’t just in renewables: the Climate Council’s Clean Jobs Plan found that 15,000 – 20,000 shovel-ready jobs could be created in Queensland across 12 policy areas. This includes improving the energy efficiency of our homes, making our transport system more sustainable and improving our urban greening – all major job creators on the way to net zero. 

More needs to be done to unlock the enormous renewable potential and associated growth in jobs and economic opportunities. Queensland has much to lose orgain, depending on the path that it takes into the future.