Election 2025: Mission Critical Webinar

The next term of Federal Parliament will take us most of the way to 2030 – the end of this critical decade for climate action. This means the candidates and policies Australians support at the upcoming Federal Election will play a pivotal role in the race to secure a safer future.

Watch the highlights of our webinar “Election 2025: Mission Critical” to learn more about why the upcoming election is mission critical for our climate – and what you can do to help make climate a deciding factor at the ballot box.

Get the inside track on:

  • The latest climate science: Professor David Karoly – one of Australia’s leading climate scientists – explains why the next term of parliament is such a critical window for decisive climate action.
  • Our exclusive political analysis: Climate Council Advocacy Director, Alex Engel-Mallon, breaks down the major parties’ policies and track records, revealing how different election outcomes could either accelerate or stall the cuts to climate pollution we desperately need.
  • How to make a difference: Climate Council Strategic Communications Director, Kirsten Tidswell, shares our strategy to put climate at the forefront of voters’ minds on election day and practical steps you can take to secure action from our next Parliament.

Subscribe today and stay tuned to our emails for more information, and to make sure you don’t miss the launch of exciting upcoming reports and events.

Authorised by Amanda McKenzie, Climate Council, 1 Nicholson St East Melbourne.