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The runway for Government Action

The important decisions governments make shape our kids’ futures, yet they’re often swayed by what goes on behind closed…

10th Anniversary online event

Watch the playback of this special online event, celebrating and reflecting on a decade fighting for change at the Climate…

Energy What is hydrogen?

Renewable hydrogen: Australia’s key to net zero emissions, booming export industry Hydrogen is now prominent in our energy…

Energy Bill savings simulator

Making Australian households more efficient and electrifying them will deliver benefits for our bank accounts, our health and our…

Climate Leaders Vale Will Steffen

Professor Will Steffen was a brilliant scientist, gifted communicator, and brave climate warrior. He was also kind and generous…

Floods Sydney flooding returns

FLOODING has returned to NSW, with thousands of Sydney residents subject to evacuation orders and warnings that in some parts,…

Climate Impacts The Lost Years

The Climate Council’s new report ‘The Lost Years: Counting the Costs of Climate Inaction in Australia’ has found that the…

Solutions EVs are speeding ahead

The world is speeding ahead when it comes to electric vehicles, but Australia is stuck in the slow lane. To reach net zero by…

The Facts 2021 Community Survey

We asked and you answered! Here are the results of the Climate Council’s 2021 Annual Community Survey, informed by thousands of…

Book Club Seven: The Climate Cure

In the wake of extreme bushfires during 2019-20, and now COVID-19, a time of reckoning has arrived in Australia. State, Territory…

Australia Roadmap to Cliff Edge

THE CLIMATE COUNCIL has strong concerns about the Federal Government’s technology roadmap because it emphasises the continued…

Australia An Act of Vandalism

THE MORRISON GOVERNMENT’S plan to change the remit of Australia’s renewable energy agency (ARENA) to support expensive and…

Fossil Fuels Gas Plan Stinks

The Federal Government is making a bad bet on gas, throwing taxpayer funds at a dangerous fossil fuel, when what it needs is a…

Book Club Six: The Carbon Club

The sixth Climate Council Online Book Club was all about another kind of club: The Carbon Club. The Carbon Club: How a network of…

Australia Narrabri No-Go

‘THIS PROJECT SHOULD NOT BE APPROVED’, reads the first line of the Climate Council’s submission to the NSW Independent…

States A Win-Win-Win for the ACT

A NEW ELECTION COMMITMENT could see the ACT power further ahead as a climate leader, announcing a new clean energy commitment…

Solutions The Clean Jobs Plan

Australia currently faces two major crises: COVID-19 and climate change. So we need a plan that creates jobs AND solves long term…

Australia Clean Jobs Plan

  Please note: The interactive version of the report is best viewed on desktop. If you are having difficulties viewing it,…

States NSW is in the (RE)Zone

NEW SOUTH WALES IS REAPING THE REWARDS of smart public investment in clean energy after attracting huge private investment…

Book (Film) Club Three: 2040

Surprise, the third book of the Climate Council Online Book Club is a film! A documentary, to be exact. Directed by Damon Gameau,…

Book Club Two: On Hope

The second meeting of the Climate Council Online Book Club explored ‘On Hope’ by Daisy Jeffrey. Daisy Jeffrey is one…

Bushfires Summer of Crisis

Australia has just experienced a summer of crisis. We saw catastrophic bushfires, damaging floods, and scorching heatwaves. These…

Australia Roadmap to Nowhere

ENERGY MINISTER ANGUS Taylor has announced details of the Federal Government’s so-called ‘technology roadmap’, which plans…

Bushfires Dangerous Summer

This summer is shaping up as a terrible trifecta of heatwaves, droughts and bushfires, as climate change super-charges many of…

Bushfires Let’s Save Our Summer

No one does summer better than Australia, but climate change is turning it into a season of anxiety. Climate change is driving…

Energy It Matters What We Do

AUSTRALIA is one of the largest drivers of climate change globally, a new report has found. The Australia Institute report,…

Bushfires Winter Bushfires?

AUSTRALIA COULD SEE another early start to the bushfire season, as the latest BOM outlook paints a hotter and drier than normal…

Climate Change Our Forward Plan

The climate crisis is serious and urgent. And we’re up against a tough, well-resourced opposition. We know what we’ve…

Australia Post Election Webinar

Climate Council CEO Amanda McKenzie hosted a post election debrief webinar. Amanda reflects on the Federal election, discusses…

Burying the Data

In part one of this three-part series, The Climate Council investigates the ways the Federal Government has been burying…

Energy What is GreenPower?

The GreenPower program is a government-managed scheme that enables Australian businesses and householders, including renters, to…

Climate Impacts Reef in Peril

The unprecedented bleaching events on the Great Barrier Reef in 2016 and 2017 resulted in mass coral mortality, with the 2016…

Stories of Solutions

Together, we’ve told a story of hope. We’ve shared stories of solutions from right across Australia. We’ve unearthed…

Australia The Biggest Threat Yet

The Climate Council has joined 162 other charities, from sectors such as climate, health and aid, in signing an open letter,…

Bushfires Bushfire Webinar

Climate Councillor and former Commissioner of Fire and Rescue Greg Mullins joined us for a webinar on bushfires. Greg speaks from…

Factsheet COP 23 Factsheet

The UN Climate Talks for 2017 (COP23) have just kicked off in Bonn, Germany. Two years ago in Paris, world leaders agreed to work…

Energy Power Up!

Today, Tesla Energy is holding a ‘milestone event’ for Tesla’s Powerpack Project in South Australia, where it is expected…

Energy The Sunshine State

Queenslanders are embracing solar power in droves, with more than 30 per cent of sunshine state homes installing solar panels, as…

Australia vs California

Australia and California. We’re pretty similar right? Both home to sand, surf and sun. We have similar vulnerabilities to…

GAS: Myth vs Facts

There’s been a lot of noise about gas recently. But none of the talk has been getting it right. Watch our video to clear…

Factsheet Clean Coal: Factsheet

Coal is always polluting. We all know that our energy system needs overhauling in order to be clean, affordable and reliable. But…

WATCH: Solar is bloody BOOMING

***27.4 MILLION*** That’s how many solar panels there are now in Australia! More panels than our ENTIRE population. Watch and…

WATCH: Best of 2016

As the year comes to an end… here’s something to smile about! Wishing you a wonderful Festive Season and New Year…

WATCH: Running out of time

Jen, Jenny and Stephen ran 164 kms in 48 hours through the Southern Tasmanian wilderness from Scott’s Peak Dam to Cockle…

Energy Australia prefers solar

New research released this week by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) reveals rooftop solar as Australia’s most…

A Message from Tim Flannery

Australians deserve independent information about climate change. We've decided that some things are too important to be dictated…