First Nations Climate Justice Panel

04.05.21 By
This article is more than 3 years old

First Nations people in Australia have cared for this country for millennia, yet are being disproportionately affected by climate change. We convened an incredible panel to explore how First Nations people are leading the fight for climate justice in Australia, and unpack why First Nations solutions must be front and centre in Australia’s response to extreme weather.

The panel offers insights into the climate crisis from a First Nations’ perspective: the impacts and the solutions, experiences of working with non-Indigenous peoples, how climate change compounds longstanding challenges and injustices faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, traditional land and water management, and is available in written form.

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This panel is led entirely by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander speakers, including:

As Australia prepares for more extreme weather events in the future, we must lift up Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices and invest in First Nations knowledge and leadership, to better protect our land, water, Country, and communities.

Further reading

Supporting First Nations climate justice