A behind the scenes photo of Water Security Media Launch

News and media

These details are for media professionals only.

Climate Council is one of Australia’s most prominent and trusted voices on climate science, impacts and solutions.

We elevate stories about climate change in the news and influence Australia’s conversation about climate pollution and the benefits and opportunities of accelerating beyond fossil fuels. 

Our latest news

Media releases

Climate Council in the news

Climate Council research, staff and spokespeople shape the story about climate change in Australia. Here are a few recent examples.

Our spokespeople

Climate Council’s experts in climate science, clean energy, economics, health and more are available for media interviews and public commentary. Got a question?

Email us at media@climatecouncil.org.au or request a spokesperson for a speaking engagement here

Climate Media Centre

The Climate Media Centre connects journalists with powerful stories about people and places facing climate change impacts and those driving solutions. Find out more here.