Privacy matters. The Climate Council is committed to ensuring that your personal information is protected.

Read more about the collection of information in our Collection Statements.

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What is personal information?

Personal information is information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable whether the information or opinion is true or not, and whether the information is recorded in a material form or not.

What personal information we collect

The types of personal information we may collect and store include your name, postal address, email address, telephone number, survey responses and financial information.

Use and disclosure of your personal information

We collect personal information to allow us to send you authoritative, expert information on climate change and to provide you with information about our organisation and projects.

We may also use your personal information for the purposes of our internal administration, research, planning, marketing, campaigns, fundraising and project development, and for other purposes communicated to you at the time of collection. For example, we may contact you by email, SMS, post, other electronic messaging services (including social media), or by phone, to let you know about our latest projects, campaigns and events, for education purposes, or to seek donations to enable us to continue our important work, or to let you know about other groups important work.

Any personal information you provide to us may be disclosed, if appropriate, to companies who provide services on our behalf, such as mail, database, marketing, telephone, digital, professional advice, audit, payment processing and research services. In specific circumstances, this may include disclosure to overseas recipients in the USA, Canada, Germany and India. We may also disclose your personal information to volunteers who assist with our work. We describe below the steps that we take to make sure these third parties respect your personal information and keep it safe.

We won’t use or disclose your personal information for any secondary purpose, unless:

(a) that secondary purpose is related to the primary purpose for which we collect that information and you would reasonably expect the disclosure in the circumstances; or
(b) you have given us your consent.

How we collect and hold information

We collect and hold personal information you provide us through our website, over the phone, or by email. For example, when you send an email to us or give us information over the phone, we may retain this in order to respond to your inquiry and to deliver better customer service in future.

Read more about the collection of information in our Collection Statements here and Cookie Policy here.

How we make sure your personal information is protected

We take appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorised access to or unauthorised alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information.

We have strict contractual arrangements in place with the service providers, external agencies, staff and volunteers with whom we may share your personal information. Contractual arrangements with companies who provide services on our behalf, including any companies based overseas, are prepared in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles. As required, we also enter into data processing agreements with these companies that respond to stricter privacy conditions that may be in place from time to time (e.g. the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation). From time to time, we also undertake internal reviews of our data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures, as well as physical security measures to guard against unauthorised access to systems where we store personal information.

Personal information is held only for as long as the personal information remains relevant to the purpose for which it was collected.

Anonymity and Pseudonymity

When it is not impracticable or unlawful, you are welcome to interact with us without identifying yourself, or by using a pseudonym. For example, donations to us can be made anonymously, and we will not disclose the details of that donation unless required by law.

Unsolicited personal information

We don’t usually collect unsolicited personal information.

Where we receive unsolicited personal information, we’ll determine whether or not it would have been permissible to collect that personal information if it had been solicited.

If we determine that collection would not have been permissible, to the extent permitted by law, we’ll destroy or de-identify that personal information as soon as practicable.

Access and correction

We’ll take all reasonable steps to ensure any personal information we collect, use or disclose is up to date and accurate.

If you believe personal information we hold about you is not up to date or accurate, you may ask us to correct it.

You may ask us to provide you with details of the personal information we hold about you, and copies of that information. We will respond to your request and attempt to provide you with the data within 30 days of receipt of your request.

If we provide you with copies of the information you have requested, we may charge you a reasonable fee to cover the administrative costs of providing you with that information.

Please direct all requests for access and correction to:

Privacy Officer
Climate Council of Australia
PO Box 1267
Potts Point NSW 2011
(02) 9326 9918

Changes to this policy

Please note that this Privacy Policy may change from time to time.


If you consider a breach of the Australian Privacy laws or your rights in relation to privacy has occurred, you may direct your query to our Privacy Officer and we will attempt to resolve your complaint.

If you do not consider our response satisfactory, you may contact the Australian Privacy Commissioner at its website or by telephone on 1300 363 992.

For more information…

If you would like more information on privacy, contact us.

Read more about the collection of information in our Collection Statements.