2018 Community Survey

24.05.18 By
This article is more than 6 years old

The results are in!

After thousands of you completed our 2018 Community Survey, we can now share the results and your vision for the future. And what a big, bold future you’ve described. It’s 100% focused on achieving tangible outcomes for a better, renewable-shaped, Australia.

Download the infographic here.

As a community, we’re ready to do whatever it takes to get there and to fight for the issues we care about:

Supporters like Nicola, Orpheus, Paul and Robyn summed up why they’re involved and what they love most about the Climate Council:

All of this and more is possible thanks to the thousands of Climate Council supporters all around the country.

No matter what gets thrown at us – from ongoing attacks against charities and free speech, to pushes for new coal mines, to stifling renewables progress – we will stand strong.

Together, we’ll continue to promote authoritative, independent information on climate change, the solutions and international action, based on the most up-to-date science available.

Donate today to make this future a reality.