Quad meeting first step in repairing our global climate reputation

23.05.22 By
This content is more than 2 years old

AUSTRALIA’S NEW GOVERNMENT has its first chance to repair the nation’s tarnished climate reputation on the world stage, as Prime Minister Anthony Albanese heads to the Quad meeting in Japan.

The Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Penny Wong will attend the Quad Leaders’ Summit in Tokyo alongside leaders from the United States, Japan and India to discuss health, security and climate change. The Quad countries have established a climate working group to cut emissions in the Indo-Pacific, and help countries in the region respond to the climate crisis.

Dr Wesley Morgan, Climate Council Researcher, climate diplomacy expert and research fellow at the Griffith Asia Institute said:

“The Quad meeting is Prime Minister Albanese’s first chance to showcase what strong leadership looks like from a country that’s been a global climate embarrassment for far too long. 

“This is a pivotal moment. Climate action is a key area for cooperation among Quad states who make up some of our most important trading partners and allies. The US in particular, our key security ally, has pressed Australia to do more on climate as part of Quad collaboration.

“The US has integrated climate policy into its Indo-Pacific Strategy – Washington wants to see countries in the region setting stronger emissions targets, and wants to serve as the preferred partner as the region transitions to a net-zero future. Australia must work with our key ally toward a net-zero Indo-Pacific.

“We are well-placed to be a renewables superpower in the region. As one of the sunniest and windiest places on the planet – we should be cashing-in on supplying growing economies with our clean energy, minerals and products.” 

What are the Quad state’s climate targets? 

“We need to shake the climate handbrake title that has been with us for the past nine years under a Coalition government. The new Prime Minister needs to ensure we are taken seriously on the greatest and most pressing issue of our time,” added Dr Morgan. 

“It’s in Australia’s economic and security interests to prioritise climate action, which could deliver widespread benefits to communities all over the country.

“Australian voters have been very clear on what they want: decisive climate action this decade.” 

Read the full details of what the Climate Council is calling on the incoming Federal Government to do in its Climate Policies for a Sensible Government policy briefing. 

For interviews please contact Brianna Hudson on 0455 238 875. 

The Climate Council is Australia’s leading community-funded climate change communications organisation. It was founded through community donations in 2013, immediately after the then-Abbott Government dismantled the Climate Commission. We provide authoritative, expert and evidence-based advice on climate change to journalists, policymakers, and the wider Australian community.

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