South Australia announces another world-leading renewable energy project

14.08.17 By
This content is more than 7 years old

South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill has just announced a new project to construct a 150MW solar thermal plant bringing clean, reliable power to the state.

The solar thermal power plant with energy storage, the largest of its kind in Australia, will supply all of the Government’s power needs and will bring much-needed competition to South Australia’s electricity market.

Construction of the $650 million project will begin in 2018, and is expected to create 700 jobs for the region over the next two years. The announcement comes hot off the heels of the world’s largest lithium ion battery project (also in South Australia), led by Tesla and Neoen.

Amanda McKenzie, chief executive of the Climate Council, said:

“It’s fantastic to see SA leading with yet another ground breaking innovation to provide clean, consistent and reliable energy – 24/7. This project in Port Augusta shows how when coal power stations are brought off-line, new jobs can be created in the transition to clean energy.”

What is solar thermal technology?

Solar thermal works by using the power of the sun to charge up molten salt with heat, which in turn generates steam to drive a turbine to create electricity. In this way, the plant will provide clean energy, night and day.


For further details, please contact Head of Communications, Nick Hay, on 0438 972 260 or