National Bushfire & Climate Summit 2020: Launch

18.06.20 By
This article is more than 4 years old

The National Bushfire & Climate Summit launch was a powerful and inspiring night which brought together experts from across Australia and the world, to unpack the challenges and solutions to Australia’s escalating bushfire risk.

The Summit continues until the end of July, and will deliver its recommendations to the Bushfire Royal Commission and to governments.

Click here to register for the final Summit wrap-up event on Wednesday, July 29 at 6pm AEST.

Watch the Summit launch highlight video:

Watch the full recording of the Summit launch:

Join us for the wrap-up event on Wednesday, 29 July @ 6pm AEST. Registration is essential – click here to register today. Former NSW Fire Commissioner, Greg Mullins, and Climate Council CEO Amanda McKenzie will present the recommendations put forward by experts during the National Bushfire and Climate Summit 2020 expert roundtables.

This free, live-streamed discussion will offer the public a special opportunity to gain insight into the private roundtable discussions held across June and July, and learn more about the findings produced by the conference.

Don’t miss out – click here to register for this free event today.