[WATCH] Tim Flannery: Reef Reality Check

14.06.16 By
This content is more than 8 years old

Diving on the Great Barrier Reef a few weeks ago was one of the saddest days of my life. It was also a day of intense anger.

Here’s what I saw – an unmitigated catastrophe:

There’s been a concerted campaign to underplay the seriousness of the massive bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef, and to confuse the public. I thought it was important to see it for myself – and talk to top reef scientists and dive operators who experience the reef everyday.

Please share this video: every Australian should know about this.

It’s absolutely outrageous that it has come to this. The bleaching didn’t need to happen. It’s not natural. It’s caused by decades of inaction on climate change, the relentless burning of coal, oil and gas.

The decisions made in the next three years will be critical to the long term survival of the reef. THIS IS MAKE OR BREAK.

Let’s make sure climate change stays in the headlines and at the top of people’s minds in this federal election campaign.

Can you help by sharing this video via Facebook or Youtube, or by chipping in to power the Climate Council’s work?

Thank you,

Prof. Tim Flannery

P.S. Want more information on climate change and coral bleaching? Check out the Climate Council resources below.

REPORT: Australia’s Coral Reefs Under Threat From Climate Change

Our new report reveals the influence of climate change on the Great Barrier Reef, and provides strong scientific evidence that future bleaching events are likely to become more frequent and severe.

The report finds that rising global ocean temperatures, driven by climate change, have caused the worst mass coral bleaching event in the Great Barrier Reef’s history.


SCIENTISTS SOUND THE ALARM: Climate Change is Destroying Our Reefs

In late April, leading Australian scientists resorted to a huge advertisement to get the Great Barrier Reef crisis in the newspaper – funded by 250 Climate Council supporters, and published in the Courier Mail.

In an open letter, 57 experts – with more than 1,200 years of combined experience studying climate change, marine ecosystems and coral reefs – called to transition away from fossil fuels to cleaner sources of energy.


COMMUNICATIONS GUIDE: Great Barrier Reef Bleaching Event

This Communications Guide outlines key facts about the latest coral bleaching event, as well as providing some answers to frequently asked questions.

We hope this guide supports a fact-based public discussion on the risks to the reef.