Book Club Six: The Carbon Club

25.08.20 By
This content is more than 4 years old

The sixth Climate Council Online Book Club was all about another kind of club: The Carbon Club. The Carbon Club: How a network of influential climate sceptics, politicians and business leaders fought to control Australia’s climate policy is a brand new book from one of Australia’s most respected investigative journalists, Marian Wilkinson. It examines “The inside story of how a network of influential climate sceptics, politicians and business leaders fought to control Australia’s response to the climate crisis.”

We were joined on the night by Marian Wilkinson herself, along with Climate Council CEO Amanda McKenzie and four-time Walkley winner David Marr.

**Marian Wilkinson and David Marr are independent journalists and not aligned in any way with the Climate Council**

Full recording:

Click here to read an excerpt from the book!