It’s never too late to admit you were wrong

05.07.19 By
This content is more than 5 years old

THE CLIMATE COUNCIL welcomes Advance SA MP John Darley’s admission that he was wrong about climate change and had paid too much attention to sceptics who presented their opinions as facts.

Mr Darley told the South Australian parliament this week that it was “important that individuals recognise their failings as well as their achievements, and on the subject of climate change I have been very wrong.”

“The science of climate change has been long settled, but in Australia vested interests have sown doubt in some people’s minds. The Climate Council hopes that Mr Darley’s willingness to admit he was wrong will inspire others to listen to the science,” said the Climate Council’s CEO, Amanda McKenzie.

“Australia is one of the most vulnerable developed countries to climate change. This year we experienced our hottest summer on record with fruit cooking on trees in South Australia,” said Ms McKenzie.

“Year after year our Federal Government has failed to act on climate change and as a result our greenhouse gas emissions have continued to rise,” she said.

“We are seeing political leadership on climate change in other parts of the world. The UK has just committed to ending its contribution to climate change by 2050. In that country, Conservatives and Labour have listened to science on climate change. It’s time all Australian politicians did the same,” she said.

For more information please contact Senior Communications Advisor, Lisa Upton on 0438 972 260.

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